JavaScript Application Programming Interface (API) for AutoCAD
ACAD Namespace
This is a singleton class that provides services for accessing the active document object. 
The method can be used to launch a palette with the specified URL. 
Use this method to capture an image of the current document. The image is returned as a Base64 encoded bitmap. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to share the drawing. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this method to get an array of handles from the OSet. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get the array of object IDs from the handles. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to highlight the list of entities represented by the given OSet. 
Use this function to launch the login dialog. 
Use this method to launch a modal dialog with the specified URL. 
Use this function to unhighlight the list of entities represented by the given OSet. 
Use this function to launch a modal dialog with a specified URL. 
Use this function to subscribe to object event notifications for an object. 
Use this function to unsubscribe from receiving object event notifications for an object. 
Use this function to verify if the user is the owner of the of the file that is on the cloud. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to save and sync a file to A360. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to share the drawing. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
This class wraps the AcGeMatrix3d ObjectARX class. Matrix3d represents an affine transformation of 3D space, including translation. 
The object contains a collection of object identifiers. It is similar to ads_name, and valid only while you are working on a drawing with AutoCAD. The identifiers are invalid when exiting from AutoCAD or switching to another drawing. 
Use this method to add the input object id to the collection. 
Use this method to remove the input object ID from the collection. 
Use this method to remove all the IDs from the collection. 
Use this method to to test if the ID is present in the collection. 
Use this method to return all the IDs in the collection. 
Use this method to return the number of items in the collection. 
Use this method to return the id given the index of the item in the collection. 
Use this method to return the index of the input ID in the collection. 
This class represents optional parameters for an angle prompt. 
This class represents optional parameters for a corner prompt. 
This class represents optional parameters for a distance prompt. 
This class holds the result of a prompt, which returns a double as its primary result. 
This class represents optional parameters for a prompt for a double
This is the base class for command prompt options used in various types of data acquisition. 
This class represents optional parameters for an entity prompt. 
Use this method to add type to the internal list of classes allowed for the selection.
If exactMatch is true, then only objects of the exact class type are allowed. Otherwise,objects of the specified type and of any derived types are allowed. If type is already in the class list, the value of exactMatch is applied to the existing class entry. 
Use this method to remove the class indicated by type from the internal list of classes allowed for this selection. 
This class holds the result of a prompt that returns an entity as its primary result. 
This class represents optional parameters for a prompt for an integer. 
This class holds the result of a prompt that returns an integer as its primary result. 
This class represents optional parameters for a prompt for a keyword. 
This class holds the result of a prompt that returns a nested entity as its primary result. 
This class represents optional parameters for a prompt for a nested entity. 
This is the base class for types that represent optional parameters for numerical prompts. 
This is the base class for types that represent optional parameters for prompts. 
Use this method to set the prompt message to the first part of the messageAndKeywords string and set the display keywords to the latter part of the same string. The display keywords portion of messageAndKeywords must be surrounded by an opening square bracket ("[") at the beginning and a closing square bracket ("]") at the end. The keywords in this list must be delimited by a forward slash character ("/"). Each display keyword specified in messageAndKeywords must also be matched by a keyword in the same position in the globalKeywords string. 
This class represents optional parameters for a point prompt. 
This class holds the result of a prompt that returns a point as its primary result. 
This is the base class for classes that hold the result of a prompt operation. 
This class represents optional parameters for a prompt for string. 
This class represents the result of a prompt for a selection of objects. 
This class wraps AcGePoint2d ObjectARX class. It represents a point in 2-dimensional space. It can be viewed as a structure consisting of two doubles. 
This class wraps AcGePoint3d ObjectARX class. It represents a point in 3-dimiensional space. It can be viewed as a structure consisting of three doubles. 
This is the base class, designed to achieve Promise Pattern. 
Use this function to register callback. 
This class wraps the lowerLeft and upperRight Point2d objects. 
This is the controller object that is used to create and manage the transients. 
This is the controller object that is used to create and manage the transients. 
This class represents system variable collection. 
Use this function to return the system variable. 
This class represents system variables. 
Use this function to add callback. 
Use this function to set system variable value using command. 
Use this function to remove callback. 
This class wraps the AcGeVector2d ObjectARX class. Vector2d represents a vector in 2D space. It can be viewed as a structure consisting of two doubles. 
This class wraps the AcGeVector3d ObjectARX class. Vector3d represents a vector in 3D space. It can be viewed as a structure consisting of three doubles. 
Provides the type of cursor, which are available. This enum wraps the AcEdJig::CursorType ObjectARX enum. 
Use this enum to list the flag associated with AutoCAD command. 
Use this enum to list the cursor types that may be used while dragging. 
Use this enum to list the status types that may be used while dragging. 
Use this enum to provide values that describe the mapping projection of the mapper. This enum wraps the AcGiMapper::Projection ObjectARX enum. 
This is an error status defined for Shaping Layer. 
Use this function to test whether the number passed is an integer. 
This enum wraps the Acad::PromptStatus ObjectARX class. 
Use this enum to provide values that describe the value data type of a system variable. This enum wraps result buffer type. 
Use this enum for returning the bitwise OR'd value of all user input control settings in effect, at the present time, for a particular jig. This enum wraps the AcEdJig::UserInputControls ObjectARX class. 
Creates a container object which holds Viewport related properties. 
Use this function to test whether the number passed is a valid float. 
This class provides optional parameters to a selection set prompt. 
This is the base class for a selected object. 
Use this function to get the assigned transient ID. 

Represents the current viewport and stores view properties like camera position, target, fieldheight, fieldWidth, upVector, projection.


Use this function to translate the camera target and position by the specified camera space dolly vector. All other camera parameters are left unaffected.
The basis of camera space is as follows:

  • positive Y is along the up vector,
  • positive Z is along the eye vector from the camera position to the camera target, and
  • X is the cross product of those two vectors.
Use this function to retrieve the extents of the viewport in normalized device coordinates. 
Uset this function to return the position, target , upVector, fieldWidth and fieldHeight of current Viewport. 
Use this function to orbit the camera. During orbit, the camera target and distance from position to target remains fixed; the camera position moves along the surface of a sphere described by these constraints.
The X-angle and Y-angle parameters are in radians and correspond to angles traversed on this sphere along the cross product of the up vector and the eye vector (X) and along the up vector (Y).
The X-angle component of the orbit is performed before the Y-angle component. 
Use this function to pan the camera. During pan, the camera position and distance from position to target remains fixed; the camera target moves along the surface of a sphere described by these constraints.
The angleX and angleY parameters are in radians and correspond to angles traversed on this sphere along the cross product of the up vector and the eye vector (angleX) and along the up vector (angleY). The angleX component of the pan is performed before the angleY component. 
Use this function to return the 3D point on the screen. 
Use this function to rotate the camera’s up vector about the eye vector by a specified amount, in radians. Positive angles correspond to a clockwise rotation when viewed from the camera position to the camera target. 
Use this method to set the camera parameters needed to define the transformation from world space to normalized device coordinates. All values are specified in the world space coordinate system. Ensures that the camera position and target are distinct. Additionally, the specified upVector cannot be parallel to the eye vector (computed as the vector from the target to the position). fieldWidth and fieldHeight help define the transformation from view space to normalized device coordinates. 
Changes the viewing field (the focal length) of the camera to give the effect of dynamically moving in or out of a scene. The camera position and target are not changed and the specified factor must be positive. 
Use this function to modify the current view such that the input bounding box defined by the two extents points is completely within the view. 
Use this function to modify the current view such that the new window displays the region defined by the input screen coordinates. The aspect ratio is automatically maintained. 
Use this function to return the 3D point on the world coordinate system. 
Converts a UCS point to WCS. 
Converts a WCS point to UCS. 
Use this method to register an AutoCAD command. 
Use this method to cancel the last command. 
This method accepts variable number of string arguments, which are the commands passed to native environment and it waits for the command operation to complete. 
This method accepts variable number of string arguments, which are the commands passed to native environment and it does not wait for the command operation to complete. It follows promise pattern to receive success and callbacks from native in asynchronous fashion. 
Use this function to get user input for an angle, taking into account the current value of the ANGBASE system variable. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get user input for the corner of a rectangle. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get user input for a linear distance. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get the double from an user. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to select an entity by specifying a point. Pauses for an user input and returns both an entity name and the point that is used to select the entity. GetEntity() does not returns the name of non-graphical objects. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get the integer from an user. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get an user input for a keyword. It wraps the acedGetKword()ObjectARX function.
An AutoCAD user can enter the keyword from the keyboard. The list of keywords that GetKeywords() accepts is set by a prior call to GetInteger(). If the user enters a string not specified in the call to GetInteger(), AutoCAD displays an error message and retries (and redisplays prompt, if one was specified). If the user types only [Return], GetKeywords() returns an empty string ("") unless the call to GetInteger()also disallowed null input. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get the name of an entity selected by an user and the point used to select the entity. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get user input for a point. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this to return the selection set obtained. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to get an user input for string. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to check if the host is busy processing other commands. If busy, the function returns false message, else returns true. 
Use this method to drag a transient entity during jigging. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Use this function to add a callback. 
Use this function to remove a callback. 
Use this function to add an Acad.Transient object to the AutoCAD transient manager. The XML data represents an AcGiDrawable object defined by the transient.xsd schema. 
Use this function to erase the the Acad.Transient object from the AutoCAD transient Manager. 
Use this function to erase the the Acad.Transient objects from the AutoCAD transient Manager. 
Use this function to show or hide the Acad.Transient objects in the AutoCAD transient manager. 
Use this function to get the current cursor assigned to the Acad.Transient object. It is returned in the cursor property of the object in the onComplete method. This is an optional cursor attribute in the transient XML schema. 
Use this function to update an Acad.Transient object in the AutoCAD transient Manager. The XML data represents an AcGiDrawable object defined by the transient.xsd schema. 
Use this enum to list the button that can be set for a task dialog. 
Use this enum to list the return result from a task dialog. 
The object represents the 3d geometric extents of an entity. It is similar to AcDbExtents, with minimum and maximum points. 
The object represents a database resident entity. It is similar to AcDbEntity, and valid only when you are working on a drawing with AutoCAD and is invalid when exiting from AutoCAD or switching to another drawing. 
Returns the object geometric extents defined by minimum and maximum points. 
Shows a task dialog with a confirmation message to delete. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
Shows a custom task dialog. This function returns promise pattern result, it has to be call in Promise Pattern with .then(onsuccess, onError) function.
This is the base class for jig prompt options. 
This is the base class for jig prompt options used in various types of data acquisition. 
This class represents optional parameters for prompt for angle during jigging. 
This class represents optional parameters for prompt for distance during jigging. 
This class represents optional parameters for prompt for point during jigging. 
This class represents optional parameters for prompt for string during jigging. 
This class represents jig class for drawing transient jigging. 
Adds or updates transient entity during jigging. 
This class represents the base jig class. 
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